Dr James Burgess

Charity details

Cats Protection

Cats Protection, formerly The Cat Protection League, is a UK charity dedicated to rescuing and rehoming stray, unwanted or homeless cats and educating people about cats and cat welfare.

Registered Number 203644


Messages of condolence

In Memory of a very dear friend.

Michael & Elizabeth Henman

Jim was a good friend and an excellent scientist. He always helped when one had a problem. I count myself fortunate to have known him and am saddened by his passing.

Doctor Maurice Marshall

To Jim's Family, Those of us who knew him could never forget such a kind, decent, principled and honourable soul with a fine mind and a fine old sense of humour The world is now the poorer without our dear friend Jim. Bless his memory, Arthur

Family A R May

Dr Jim Burgess was the epitome of an English Gentleman: a good and inspiring boss, a steadfast friend and colleague, and great fun to be with. Although a great man, he was also a gentle man: I knew of his love of cats through our years of correspondence. Bless you Jim! Peter J Hubbard O.B.E.

Mr Peter Hubbard

Service details

Church Service

19 June, 2024 12:00

Waltham Abbey Church

Highbridge Street, Waltham Abbey, EN9 1DG