Mr Peter Fox

Charity details

Kidney Research Uk

Who are we?

Kidney Research UK is the leading charity dedicated to research into kidney disease in the UK. We rely almost wholly on the generous donations of the UK public and we believe that everybody deserves a life free of kidney disease.

Our aim

Our research aims to improve the quality of life of those living with kidney disease. Ultimately, we want to eradicate this silent killer.

Our research saves lives

There are three million people in the UK living with kidney disease right now. One million don’t even know they have it and there is no cure. 

Every day our scientists and clinicians are growing their understanding of kidney disease to help us unlock the answers to tackling this life-limiting condition.

For decades our developments in treatment, better information for patients and raising vital public awareness have been saving lives. As the likelihood of kidney disease striking you becomes ever greater, our work is more essential now than ever. 

Our supporters are amazing

Thanks to the help of our supporters, we have achieved breakthroughs in the diagnosis, treatment and patient care of those affected by the disease. But much more needs to be done. 

People with end stage kidney failure are reliant on dialysis or a transplant to stay alive, but neither of these guarantee a 'happy ever after'.

Dialysis requires being hooked up to a machine for several hours, three or more days a week. This means that your blood can be cleaned of deadly toxins, but you are at a far greater risk of heart attack or stroke. If you are lucky enough to have a transplant, that precious kidney may only last for 10-15 years before it too, starts to fail.

Piece by piece we are making life better by developing new and improved treatments and methods of care.

We are putting the brakes on kidney disease; with our supporters’ help we can stop it in its tracks.

Registered Number 252892

Messages of condolence

Sending love to Pam and all the family. With love Emma, James, Holly and George xx

Mr & Mrs Emma Brown

We will miss Peter very much, especially his one liners! Linda and Howard x

Mrs Linda Keightley

We will miss your cheery sense of humour Peter!

Mr & Mrs Mary Clarke

From Mrs Pam Porter and Donna Richardson

Mrs Pam Porter

Service details

Cremation Service

21 June, 2024 14:00

Great Dunmow Crematorium

Blatches farm, Braintree Road, Great Dunmow, CM6 3AL