Friends Of The Hailey Day Centre
Donation cheques to be made payable to 'The Hailey Centre' please.
The Hailey Centre is a warm and welcoming meeting place for over 55’s. Our facilities are open to everybody with no priority being given to any one person or demand made for regular attendance at the Centre in order to qualify for our services.
We offer a Monthly Newsletter setting out activities for the month including Art, Craft, Bingo, Whist, Outings, Keep Fit, Pilates, Holidays, nutritious Lunches, Refreshments, Shopping Trips, Cinema, Quizzes, Computing, Photography and much more.
Outside services available in the Centre include Hearing Aids, Chiropody, Slimming World, Weight Watchers and Church Services.
In addition, if you require any advice or guidance on issues affecting yourself or older relatives they can put you in contact with the relevant help line in complete confidence.
Their friendly Staff and Volunteers are dedicated to providing a happy atmosphere for you and your friends to meet in, and if you are new in the area and wish to meet new people their Clients too will make you feel most welcome.
Donation cheques to be made payable to 'The Hailey Centre' please and sent fao Kerry Reynolds at:
The Hailey Centre, Sayesbury Manor, Bell Street, Sawbridgeworth. CM21 9AN
Registered Number 1030820