Mrs Daphne Whittaker

Charity details

The Creamer Fund


The CREAMER fund was started in the early 1990s with donations from families in memory of their loved ones:

Mr Ronald Hardy
Mr Bill (Clive) Wyatt
Miss Maureen Gunary

CREAMER is an acronym for Community Resource Equipment And Medical Equipment Reserve Fund. The Fund has grown considerably over the years with tremendous support from the community and various fundraising events being organised. Many people feel that donations provide a lasting memorial to their loved ones.

The aim of the CREAMER Fund is to help provide health resources and equipment to enable members of the local community to receive the best possible health care, as near to their homes as feasible.

Funded Projects

The Fund has been able to provide many items of equipment, including :

Cryosurgical and cautery instruments
24 hour blood pressure monitors
Waiting room blood pressure monitor
Digital camera
12 lead ECG & ambulatory ECG machines
Diagnostic ultrasound scanner
Diagnostic echocardiogram scanner
Osteoporosis scanner
Vascular Scanner
Mole scanner
Vital signs patient monitor
Pulse Oximeter
Coagulation monitors
Near patient testing blood test devices
Enuresis alarms
Syringe drivers

More recently the Fund has contributed towards the purchase and installation of X-Ray facilities and an echocardiogram in the Health Centre.

Registered Number 1095414

Service details

Church Service

24 January, 2025 13:00

St Mary's

Braintree Road, Great Bardfield, CM7 4RN
