Mr David Adlington

Charity details

Alzheimer's Society

Dementia is the UK’s biggest killer. Someone develops it every three minutes and there’s currently no cure.

We know it is scary facing up to it, but we must confront the biggest health and social care challenge of our time.

Thanks to your support, Alzheimer’s Society is facing dementia head on. Whether you’re a fundraiser, donor, partner, or affected by dementia in any way, we’re working with you to build a movement. Inspired by your voices, we’re leading the way in support, society and research.

As the largest and most influential dementia charity in the UK, we are calling on everyone to unite. Working together we know we will achieve our vision - a world without dementia.

Registered Number 296645

Messages of condolence

Thinking of you all.

Mr Matthew Blundy

Dave now has a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7, For God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. He’ll also get a new & perfect body.

Mr Paul Welfare

Dave was such a gentle man and a real blessing to the Harefield Church family!

Ms Jeanette Ehlers

In loving memory of the late Mr David. Adlington.
Much love from Margaret, John and family xxx


Margaret & John Owen

Thinking of you all at this difficult time. Sending love from Julie and family xx

Ms Julie Adlington

Service details

Cremation Service

24 February, 2025 13:00

Parndon Wood Crematorium

Parndon Wood Road, Harlow, CM19 4SF